Miyerkules, Agosto 13, 2014

An Inspiration to Achieve Success

An Inspiration To Achieve Success

Most people who achieved success have an inspiration in their mind. So what is inspiration? Normally, inspiration is a person, or thing that sets the mind of a person to achieve the 100% of their limitations. This is the adrenaline of human mind.

Why do we need this inspiration? As I said, it helps you to reach the one hundred percent of your limitation especially when hindrance comes your inspiration is the only way that can manage to overcome it.

How do we get an inspiration? For you to know you can’t just get inspiration. Inspiration helps you to stimulate to do or feel something. I can consider that inspiration will shows up the same time when you got a goal in your life to achieve it to be considered as success.

Is there any success that doesn't have an inspiration? Sadly to say yes it is. This incident comes when you are forced to do those things (well I can’t consider that as a success.) or when you are just in it for the price that you want.

Is it bad to have no inspiration? For me no. its you’re choice, still you’re main goal is to achieve success not to have an inspiration.

Lunes, Agosto 4, 2014

Road To Success - Is Cheating good or bad (My Opinion)

“Is Cheating Evil?”

So this is a confidential question. “Is cheating good or bad “?
Well the answers in this blog are only my opinion so I don’t care if you agree or disagree with it. Many people specially children were mindset that cheating is bad. But for you to know there are many kinds of cheating. Yes there are cheats like copying, cheating in their wife and etc.

So lest observe cheating for a while, imagine that you are cheating in your class, copying answers from your seatmate. Now do you realize that cheating makes your life easier? And do technologies make your life easier too? Now we found out that cheating is the same as upgrade.

Back to our question, is cheating good or bad? My answer is no and yes because if it is, then using machines can be considered as cheating. We can only define if that thing is cheat or upgrade by its process. If one thing was researched then it is an upgrade in other angle, cheating is not perfect(for you may fail from it) and technologies(upgrading) is perfect.

Linggo, Agosto 3, 2014

Road To Success - Cheating


In this blog we are going to differentiate the pros and cons of the cheating.
From the pros of cheating, I somehow stated it from my past blog, so we are just going to recall for us to be reviewed.

Cheating :
  • Is the quickest.
  • Is the fastest.
  • Is less effort.
  • Will lead you to success. (Optional).
  • Is somehow reliable.

  • Is not perfect.
  • Is not organizing.
  • Is dangerous.
  • May fail you.
  • Makes you feel unsatisfied.
  • Can lose the trust of other people to you.

As we can see, it is not the best way to cheat so try to avoid it, there is always a better solution for everything. Cheating is not actually a solution it is a mechanics that helps human to be successful, its not you yourself, you’re not a tool, you’re a human so avoid it.

Shortcut in Road to Success


Is an unclean, quickest, easiest, less effort and SMARTEST work. Usually this cheating is caused by Opportunity Cost a trade offs to get something much more important for you.

Example of opportunity cost is; instead of doing your assignment you watch the limited movie that you really want.

So why cheating is the smartest work? As I said before, you are putting yourself in danger. It only means that, you should not make a MISTAKE for it is a do or die work. If you know that you’re not professional I tell you, don’t ever try to cheat because it will kill you.

Well, if you guys are a successful cheater, why don’t you start a new life? Cheaters are smart, you just have to believe in yourself. You can do it.

A Shortut to Success ??

From my last blog, we figure out and gave a solution to the “Barrier” that prevents us to proceed in the road to success. But for you to know, we encounter barrier/s at the starting point of our race. That only means that we are just starting and there are bigger problems ahead on it.

But before we unfold those things, in this blog I will share to you a shortcut way to success. Before that I would like to warn you that I’m not asking you to do this shortcut thing, why?

  •   Wasn’t good.
  • This is a wrong path. (Because we’re not taking the true path).
  • You are putting you’re self in danger.
  • This is for professionals only. (Mastered the path already).
  • A do or die/win or lose thing.

This shortcut to success is called “CHEATING”.

Lunes, Hulyo 28, 2014

The Barrier Part 2

The Barrier

The first obstacle in the road to success is the barrier. Barrier are the things that hinders stops us be a successful person and some examples of it are; “No Self Confidence”, “Pride”, “Vices” etc… barrier is a barrier, its purpose is to prevent you to proceed into the higher level of the road.
So if our goal is to win this race we have to face this barrier, question; how can we solve this barrier? There are three answers in this question.

One: Face them. Facing your barrier is the most popular to us, but you have to sacrifice something in order to overcome it. But do you know there is a better way in facing the barriers?

Two: This is the better way rather than doing the first one. When we start to take the road to success we are always focus at the bigger problems. But if you analyze everything, you can take advantage to these barriers. Take note that only professional and ethical people do these things. Remember barrier is a barrier its purpose is to stop you.

Three: The worst of all, but somehow you MAY success from it. Well this solution is for the one who can’t face the barrier neither takes it as advantage. They just ignore it, they keep it until they succeed. Remember this is the worst thing, it’s a gamble, don’t believe in luck. Hard work is the best.

Linggo, Hulyo 27, 2014

Road To Success - The Barrier Part 1

The Barrier

Being a successful person is not quite easy.  There are things that hinders us to achieve this kind of victory and I call it “BARRIERS”. Many people used to think that hard work is the only way to be successful but they’re wrong.

Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher who lived in the Spring and Autumn Period of ancient China. Tells us “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” 

If we don’t have any idea what will hinder(barrier) us, we wont achieve success. So in this coming blog we will define what is this barrier.

Martes, Hulyo 22, 2014

Barriers In Our Life - Depression

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:


This barrier affects our thinking.  It hurts one mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, and emotionally. So to elaborate it, we can not think nicely, we are getting pessimistic and that will lead you not to think critically and in order to be a successful, we have to think carefully for us to strategize everything.

Lunes, Hulyo 21, 2014

Barriers In Our Life - No Communication Skill

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

“No Communication Skill”

Communication is important in our life. In any kind of sending information or gain information is communication. Now think about it carefully, how are we suppose to tell the things we need to achieve success if we lack confidence in communication. We MUST learn communication for this is the most important part in our life.

Linggo, Hulyo 20, 2014

Barriers In Our Life - Superiority Complex

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

“Superiority Complex”

As i said relying to others is not good, but relying too much to yourself is also not good. We human beings has a limitations too, there are parts that we can not handle ourselves, that’s why we study, we study to fill up the unfilled slots in a work because we people has our different specializations.

Biyernes, Hulyo 18, 2014

Barriers In Our Life - The Pessimistic People(3rd Party)

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

“The Pessimistic People(3rd Party)”

This is a common barrier but and easily to deal with but still lets define it. We know we cant avoid this kind of barrier so we have to endure it or we have to deal with it. Just show them the proofs that you can do it then they will stop.

Barriers In Our Life - Pessimistic Personality

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

“Pessimistic Personality”

This barrier is somehow a disorder (related to Deppressive Personality Disorder) we know its hard to achieve succsses because of having this barrier but we have to fight for it, we have to think possitive. As Einstein told us “try and try until you die” we have to push for it, lets keep it and accept the problems for us to move on.

Barriers In Our Life - Relying to Others

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

“Relying to Others”

This kind of barrier is almost the same to “Less Effort”. I’m not saying that its not good to rely,  but what I mean is, if we rely too much we migt end up being not effective because we cant do some thing without them. Its like we’re having disability.

*Note that I still wont reveal the solutions for the barriers because this is one of our thesis up to october so better to reserve them before I end up nothing ;D

Lunes, Hulyo 14, 2014

Barriers In Our Life - Less Effort

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

“Less Effort”

This barrier is mostly seen in teenagers above, why? Because their parents spoiled them when they are still a little kids, giving prizes if they got the goal so they’re efforts are used to have prizes unlike in teenagers above, even if you put some effort they still fail.

You guys should know that failure isn’t really bad, the bad thing in failure is if you fail twice, trice on the same problem. Learn from your mistakes

Linggo, Hulyo 13, 2014

Barriers In Our Life - No Self-Confidence

Barriers In Our Life

Many people want to be a successful person but don’t have any idea how hard it is, but by knowing what hinders them will make it easier than we thought.

These things that hinder us, I call it the barriers in our life and one of this are:

"No Self-Confidence"

This barrier is the most common barrier in every people. This kind of barrier may start on elementary.

The effect of having this barrier is; we will start relying on other people that will lead us not to stand alone. I believe we can do everything, how scientists think or how they do, we can do it, but this having this barrier embarrassed us that prevent us to do it.